Award for 'Hubtex goes digital'

The DiALOG Award is an award for future-oriented structural and user concepts in administrative business processes in times of digital transformation and has been presented since 2014. Most recently, the jury presented the award to this year's winner Hubtex, which is driving digital transformation in its own company with an EIM strategy.
The eight-member jury, consisting of experts from science, industry and the press, had the task of deciding on numerous national and international applications of digital projects. After in-depth deliberation, Hubtex emerged as the winner of the 7th DiALOG Award for the project "Hubtex goes digital - We create unique things with enthusiasm". This is because Hubtex transfers the digital transformation to its own company and optimizes internal processes by implementing a holistic Enterprise Information Management (EIM) strategy. Just one example of the good implementations is a new workflow for checking order confirmations, which significantly optimizes procurement processes.
Prof. Dr. Katrin Klodt-Bußmann, Professor of Business Law at HTWG Konstanz, and Steffen Schaar, member of the management of TQG and initiator of the DiALOG Award, took over the introduction of the 2021 Award ceremony. They highlighted various aspects of digitalization, project successes and sustainability.