HUBTEX has reworked its industry's largest electric multidirectional sideloader kit and developed the PhoeniX series. This series successively replaces all vehicles of the ESTL modular system. The vehicles have optimum manoeuvrability, a highly ergonomic driver's cabin and improved all-round visibility. The new control system also makes the trucks fit for industry 4.0, making the PhoeniX perfectly suited to future requirements.
HUBTEX plans to successively replace all electric multidirectional sideloaders with pendulum frames with vehicles from the PhoeniX series. The series limits between 48 V and 80 V will be fluid. All multidirectional forklifts of the PhoeniX series convince with a new design that focuses on the needs of the driver. As with the MaxX series, the driver benefits from an ergonomically designed cabin. A large working area with plenty of legroom ensures maximum comfort. In addition, the new cabin offers improved all-round visibility, especially in the direction of the right fork. The HIT 3 operator terminal shows the user all important settings and operating data on a colour display; HIT 3 has been extended with additional functions for the new vehicle series. As part of the development of the new PhoeniX modular system, all other cabin variants will be implemented in addition to the transverse seat cabin.
PhoeniX - The all-rounder from HUBTEX
With the PhoeniX, a purely electric steering system for a complete modular system is available for the first time. This reduces steering noise to a minimum. In addition, the use of electric steering results in significantly lower energy consumption. In particular, users benefit from an enormous increase in efficiency when combining the steering system with inductive track guidance. Thanks to the optionally available, patented HX steering system, the truck can be manoeuvred perfectly and in all directions. In addition, Hubtex has once again optimised the smooth running of the lift mast to minimise vibration and ensure precise movement of the lift load. In this application area, the new electric multidirectional sideloader has a weight and overload indicator that is independent of lifting height if required.

The PhoeniX is already designed for step-by-step automation in its basic configuration. A new generation of vehicle control, pre-planned cable routes, positions for sensors and other equipment features are proof of the future-oriented concept. Numerous assistance systems can be integrated if required. One example of this is laser-assisted navigation, which will be available for the first time in this vehicle series. This new system convinces with its millimeter-precise positioning of the vehicle. "We at Hubtex use our decades of experience to realign and further develop our proven electric multidirectional sideloaders," summarizes Hubtex Managing Director Hans-Joachim Finger. "We are thus setting the right course in good time to meet the increasing demands of the 4.0 industrial age in the best possible way". With the new PhoeniX modular system, Hubtex has strengthened its product portfolio in the field of electric multidirectional sideloaders and can now offer the MaxX and BasiX for every application in long goods handling.